Referring a Patient

Any Health or Social Care professional (with the patients consent) may refer a patient to Hospice of the Valleys. We do, however, have to consider specific clinical criteria before we can accept a patient.

  • Patients must live within our catchment area of Blaenau Gwent and be 18 years or older
  • Patients must have a progressive, life-limiting illness requiring complex symptom management
  • Referral for complex psycho-social/spiritual support for the carers and families of a patient with life limiting illness
  • Health Care Professionals caring for the patient/carer who require specialist advice and support

Full referral criteria can be downloaded which includes when NOT to refer and referral and discharge processes.

We are always open to offer advice to both healthcare professionals and patients or families unsure how to access hospice care, whether at home or in hospital.

Health and Social Care professionals can download a referral form or contact our Clinical Admin Team on 01495 717277.

Completed forms may be emailed to

Referral Criteria
Standard Referral Forms
Dementia Service Referral Form

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