This month saw the launch of our new Living Well programme, a 5 week course designed to support patient’s and their carers to live well. We cover breathing techniques, mindful movement, nutrition and relaxation. Last week we talked about relaxation and included a guided relaxation for the group to take home, to use or share as they wish.
When we consciously relax the body and focus on the breath, this is a great way to quiet the mind, allowing the nervous system to calm down. Here’s the relaxation for you to try too…
Here’s a simple relaxation technique for you to practise.
• Find a quiet peaceful spot. Get comfy, mindful your shoulders neck and back are supported and relaxed. Arms resting in your lap or by your sides. Maybe start with 5 minutes and day and then try to do a little more when you can. It may be helpful for someone to read these instructions to you:
• Close your eyes, let them be soft.
• Breathing in a way that feels relaxing for you into the belly as you inhale. Breathe out slowly with a little sigh, like a balloon slowly deflating. A couple of these as slowly as you can. As you breathe out feeling a sensation of letting go, letting go of any tension or tightness in the body, emotionally or physically.
• Continue breathing comfortably, smooth, steady pace, just feeling the breath move in and out. Using that as an anchor to keep you present and stop the mind fluttering around.
• When you feel comfy with this, begin to relax each part of your body breath by breath.
• Start with your toes, let them feel comfy, relaxed and heavy. Let the tension go.
• Now the legs, relaxed, heavy and let go.
• Next your tummy, soften, relax and let go.
• Your fingers soft, letting the warm relaxation move up your arms to your shoulders.
• Relax your shoulders, feel the collarbones widen.
• Let your neck relax, the back of your neck, your jaw, your head. Feeling the neck comfortably rested and supported, allowing all the tension to leave your body with each breath out.
• Enjoy this feeling of relaxation. Any remaining tension in the body let go with each breath out.
• Slowly welcome yourself back from your relaxation by becoming aware of your surroundings, gently wiggle fingers, toes, smile.
• Your blood pressure may have dropped, move your arms and legs as a way of reactivating and reenergising your body, before carefully supporting yourself up.
We hope you find this useful
Oriana Shepherd – Therapies Team