We Care about Your Opinion

    Please select the staff involved with your care:
    DoctorNursePhysiotherapistSocial WorkerWelfare Rights AdvisorComplementary TherapistHospice at Home VolunteerChaplain

    Are you satisfied that our staff introduced themselves and explained their role to you?

    Are you satisfied with the contact made by our staff to arrange the first visit?

    Are you satisfied with the information given by our staff about contacting them between visits?

    Are you satisfied with the information given by our staff about the service offered by Hospice of the Valleys?

    Are you satisfied that the staff provided you with appropriate information?

    Are you satisfied with the quality of service provided by our staff?

    Are you satisfied with the attitude of our staff?

    Are you satisfied that you were given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss concerns with our staff?

    Are you satisfied with the amount of time spent by staff on our visits?

    Are you satisfied with the respect shown for your privacy and confidentiality?

    Additional Comments?

    Could you please describe in your own words how you feel about the service provision offered by Hospice of the Valleys? Please include any compliments and or concerns you have.

    Please indicate whether you are a patient or carer

    Anonymous results of this questionnaire and any actions it has led to will be used to develop our service.

    If you would like to be contacted to discuss this please provide name and contact details below

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