Our Befriending service is a volunteer based service providing patients with company.
Our befriender will stay with the person which can allow the carer time to have a break, do any tasks they need to or to have some time away from the house. We aim to relieve the pressure for the carer knowing that their relative is safe with one of our befrienders.
If you feel you would benefit from having a befriender or even know someone who would like to become a befriender, please refer to the referral process on the back of this leaflet or for further information about this service please contact Clinical Administration or the Volunteer Co-ordinator on 01495 717277.
“My time out with the Befriender looking after my mother is priceless. Having that time each week to look forward to means I can plan and I am reassured that my mother is well looked after by the same person. It is also a big boost to my wellbeing.”
-Cheryl whose mother is living with dementia
How can I access a befriender:
You can be referred to our befriending service and will go through the process outlined below: